Trapped in the Twenty-Twenties

Black and White Photography (ART 222) | Fall 2020

I was challenged by creating a series of images to evoke emotion. I was inspired by the mixed feelings felt as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and 2020 as a whole. “Trapped in the Twenty-Twenties” contains three images and each tells its own story.

During the Fall 2020 quarter, I had the opportunity to submit photos to Cal Poly’s .RAW Journal of Art & Design. My project is featured in Volume 5 Issue 1. It is a quarterly collaboration between Art & Design students and contains a variety of material from all departments including design, studio art, and photography.

Image 1: The feeling of loneliness and isolation as a result of the unprecedented year. She stands between the light and dark.

Image 2: A serious expression crosses her face as she contemplates the world around us.

Image 3: Displayed is the feeling of being trapped as she resides behind the chain-linked fence wearing a mask.


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